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Kaden DH 3 Star Compact Kex328C Manual Natural Gas 28kW

Product code: 3110282


Kaden's External range is available in both a 3 and 4 Star rating and has been specifically designed to be robust, reliable and efficient. Its the perfect changeover unit for existing outdoor ducted heaters. In many cases Kaden's gas and electric connection points will be in the same spot as the existing model, saving on installation cost. Kaden will also retrofit to most existing air distribution base boxes.

Kaden External Ducted Heater
Kaden External Ducted Heater

Kaden sprung from a simple idea. Heating and cooling solutions that just work, with features you don’t need an engineering degree to understand. It was important our systems were designed to withstand our varied Australian climate. That’s what Kaden is. Simple solutions that easily ensure comfort.